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Corporate Breathwork

At Touchstone we provide expert corporate wellness consultations set in an in-house environment or via Zoom


In the world of corporation change is constant. The interconnectivity between employees among the company and through out the world is increasing every second. Job position are evolving constantly to respond to  the world's demand. 

Employees and Executives are under an increasing level of stress that lead to lack of motivation , overwhelming felling to burn out in worst case scenario.


The actual tendency is to not pay attention to it because of the society's momentum. It is difficult to stop a boat instantly. 

We have seen mindfulness programs in the workplace gaining in popularity.  At Touchstone Wellness Center we believe that mindfulness is a necessity but can not be fully beneficial to the employees and the executives if we are not addressing the core of the needs of each individual.

We are certain that SOMA Breathwork if the missing key chain that we are sharing with you. The combination of Movement body and brain based on latest research and daily dose Breathwork adapted to the needs of each employee and the company the benefits will be responding to the demand of working world.


Paulina & Guillaume

3 Phases 


I) Assessment

  • What is your corporation all about?

  • What is required  to be a good employee for you?

  • What are  the expectation of the employees?

  • What are your employees needs?

  • How your employees are feeling in the company?

  • Do you have a wellness program?

  • What do your employees want to improve

II) Immediate Effective Breathwork


  • Based on the assessment the employee will be given a 30 minutes breath work specifically tailored to the defined needs.

  • He/she will right away have a glimpse of a long term benefit of the breathwork

Kundalini Yoga Outside
Business meeting

III) Collaboration

  • Tailored program to respond to your team needs

  • Weekly session will:

    • Promote focus​

    • Promote  performance

    • Promote better communication

    • promote collaborative work

    • Promote boost of health at work place





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