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My name is Erica Rubis ,


I enjoy bringing yoga to people and creating an environment and opportunity for them to truly tune into and steep in their own self-presence.  Yoga is an equipoise, the ability to be well-established in one’s own being, as well as an ancient and varied set of postures, breathing and mind techniques that bring us to this state of being. I work on all these levels , as well as draw in elements of Pilates and Ayurveda (ancient science of health), to help further the state of Yoga in each person I work with.

I am looking forward to share with you my passion for yoga practice. 


My Story

Erica Rubis began her yoga journey in Minnesota 35 years ago in a local yoga class. I came to Bloomington on the downbeat of 2000 to pursue a master’s degree in historically-informed music performance on the viola da gamba at Indiana University. It was not to be a passing-through relationship, however, and I put down roots here as a yoga instructor, musician and mother. I continue evolving as a yoga student and teacher over the past 25 years, primarily with the Himalayan Institute and with Doug Keller’s yoga-as-therapy program. Since then yoga has been her faithful companion throughout life, guiding her to places and guidance that have shaped her as a person and teacher over the past 19 years. She began her asana studies in the Iyengar tradition and then discovered the Himalayan Institue, a living tradition brought to the U.S. by Swami Rama and which vibrantly lives on under the guidance of Pandit Rajmani Tigunait.  She also applies Pilates and Ayurveda to work uniquely with each student, of any age and ability, to help them find stability, awareness, transformation and comfort on all levels.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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